Saturday, January 24, 2009

Simple Siren
There can be many siren circuits based on the IC 555. These circuits can be operated from 5V to 17V supply.

The circuit given here gives out the tone of a common siren. IC 555 is used in the circuit as an astable mutivibrator. The siren tone can be adjusted by preset VR1(10K). The capacitor used at pin no.3 of the IC, determines the shape of the outform waveform. Sound is received by giving the output to the speaker. If this output signal is amplified by a high power amplifier then a very loud sound can be received from this circuit.

Parts list::::::

Resistance :1K, PRESET 10KCapacitor : 10KPfx2, 10MF, 10V, 100MF, 10V, Loue speaker 8E.

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