Saturday, January 24, 2009

Automobile Flasher
Electromechanical methods are still used switching the blinkers in the automobiles. Electronic automobile flashers are made by using transistors. In the circuit given here an IC has been used for the same purpose. The circuit is built around the popular timer IC 555 which is used in the as table mode. This is a free running multi vibrator. Here, the output pin no 3 of the IC 555 is connected with the base of the transistor T1( AD149 ). This transistor works as an electronic switch. The panel Leds connected on the dashboard indicate the working of the flasher bulbs. Rate of the flashing of the bulbs is kept at 95/min. This rate can be changed by changing the value of the capacitor C1. When the value of this capacitor is increased then the rate of flashing becomes faster. Transistor T1 ( AD149 ) is a power transistor and it is necessary to mount it on a heat sink. The LED indicates should be mounted at a convenient position on the dash board.

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