Saturday, January 24, 2009

Starting to Electronics Blog

The world is moving ahead. In this time Electronics has become undivided to our modern and comfortable life. Modern world depends on Electronics. It has so much branches. As it is a blog for discussing about Electronics, Now I want to describe you some plans and projects about Electronics. Mainly, this projects are based on IC 555, you will have some descriptions about this IC as well as several projects. The projects are easy to build and nice to use. This matchines help to make comfort our life. Though this matchines are small but they help to remove odds which hampers ours comfort in life

Block Diagram of "555 TIMER IC"

555 Timer is a very popular integrated circuit which is used in both the analog and digital circuits. Its input and output are compatible in the CMOS as well as TTL logic circuits when it is operated on 5V supply. This TIMER IC can be used in both the mono stable and as table modes.

Simple Telephone Call Recorder
This circuit can be used to record the conversation on the phone in a cassette recorder. You can connect this circuit between the telephone and a cassette recorder. Whenever the handset is lifted then the green LED is turned ON and it results in a reduced value of the resistance. In this way IC 555 is triggered and the relay connected in the circuit is switched ON through a transistor connected at its output. This causes the supply to reach the cassette recorder. Both side recording in the cassette is possible by using this circuit.

When the telephone rings on an incoming call then both the LED s turn ON/ OFF. In this way the LDR receives continuous light by which the IC 555 gets the triggering volts. The transistor switches ON the relay. If the call remains unattended then the relay will switch OFF automatically after 10 seconds. If the telephone is attended during this time then the conversation will be recorded.
It is to be ensured that the cassette is loaded in the cassette recorder and the recorder is kept in recording position.

Music By Light
The circuit given here generates music in tune with the light.

One IC 555 is used as an table multi vibrator although. We can also use two transistors in place of this IC as shown in figure. In both the circuits one LDR is used. As light falls on LDR of both circuits, current begins to flow. The value of this current, depends upon the intensity of light falling on the LDR.
IC 555 produces audio- frequency according to flow of current and we can hear panoramic sound and music.

Automatic Night Lamp

The circuit given here automatically switches ON lights in your home as soon as the sun sets and also switches OFF the lights on sun rise.
This circuit uses IC555, LDR, 0-9 Volt transformer and IC AN7808. When light falls on the LDR then its resistance decreases which increases input supply of IC 555 by which high voltage appears on its output pin. Hence, the relay stops functioning by which the connected bulb is automatically switched OFF. When light stops falling on LDR then reverse process will take place and bulb is automatically switched ON.


The given project can be used to ring a bell as soon as the sun comes up in the morning.

In this circuit one IC 555, along with a LDR and a relay is used. A bell is used with the relay switch, which is operated at 220V AC. The circuit is operated by +9V supply. As soon as the sun rises then light fall on the LDR which gives trigger voltage at pin no.4 of the IC 555 and switches ON the transistor TR1 by which the relay will operate and bell will start ringing.

Parts List::::
IC 555, Tr. BEL 127
Relay 6V, 150E,
Electronic BellResistance: 100K, 330E, Control 2K2


The circuit given here can be used as a turn indicator which you can connect to your vehicle.
In this circuit IC 555 is used for frequency oscillation. When we keep switch S1 in center position of 1-pole 3 way switch then both indicator bulbs remain in OFF. When the switch S1 is brought in left position then left indicator blinks and when the switch S1 is brought in right position then right indicator blinks.


This circuit is based on the popular timer IC 555. This is a unique circuit that sends the mosquitoes flying away from your room. In this circuit, the IC 555 works as an oscillator that outputs a frequency range of minimum 200Hz to a maximum frequency range of 62 KHz. The output frequency can be adjusted by the preset R-2 connected in the circuit. A high quality speaker should be used with this circuit.

1/ IC 555
2/ Resistance : 220E, 1ME, Control- 5K
3/ Capacitor :0.005, 0.1, 100MF/10V, Loud speaker.


Many circuits can be designed to produce the sound of chiriping birds. Such circuits are used in the door bells and many toys. This circuit provides very interesting sound.

Two timer IC 555 are used in the circuit given here. Both the IC s are used here, in the astable mode. Here, the output is not taken from the output pin no.3 of the IC but triangular waveform is received from the junction of the pin no. 2 & 6of the IC. This triangular waveform is given to the control voltage pin no.5 of the IC2 through a resistance R3. Output received from the pin no.3 of the IC2 is given to the speaker through the capacitor C4. The circuit is operated at 6V DC supply.

Automatic time indicator for the Telephone

As, you already know, the telephone calls are charged on the basis of the time duration for which the call has been made. If the call is continued after the standard time is over, then your calling time will be extended and the charges will be added up accordingly. It is very difficult to keep an eye on the time elapsed while you are busy in talking on the phone. This novel circuit does just this for you while you are talking on the phone. The circuit gives out a warning signal after 2.5 minutes of starting the call.
The On/Off touch plates are made from the conducting silver paper strips and fixed in a suitable position on the cabinet.

Automobile Flasher
Electromechanical methods are still used switching the blinkers in the automobiles. Electronic automobile flashers are made by using transistors. In the circuit given here an IC has been used for the same purpose. The circuit is built around the popular timer IC 555 which is used in the as table mode. This is a free running multi vibrator. Here, the output pin no 3 of the IC 555 is connected with the base of the transistor T1( AD149 ). This transistor works as an electronic switch. The panel Leds connected on the dashboard indicate the working of the flasher bulbs. Rate of the flashing of the bulbs is kept at 95/min. This rate can be changed by changing the value of the capacitor C1. When the value of this capacitor is increased then the rate of flashing becomes faster. Transistor T1 ( AD149 ) is a power transistor and it is necessary to mount it on a heat sink. The LED indicates should be mounted at a convenient position on the dash board.

Automatic street light controller
This street light controller circuit is designed around a single IC timer 555. This IC has been used in it’s bi-stable mode in the circuit. Two LDRs are also used in this circuit to differentiate between the day light and the darkness of the light. During the day time this bi-stable circuit remains reset by the LDR-2 while in the night time this bi-stable is set by the LDR-1. The output from the timer IC is given to the base of transistor T-2 which drives the relay in turn. Street light connections are given from the N/O contacts of the relay as shown in the figure. The number of lights which can be connected in parallel to this circuit depends directly upon the load rating of the relay contacts.

Relay on/off Time Adjuster Circuit

This circuit is built around the popular timer IC 555. This circuit is designed to adjust both the on off times of the relay.

Here, the IC 555 has been used as an astable multivibrator. Diode D1 and D2 and two preset controls VR1 and VR2 have been used to get separate On and Off timings for the relay. By using this controls VR1 and VR2 the On and off timings of the relay can be adjusted independently.
Time period of the On and Off time to relay can be adjusted from 1 second to about 90 seconds by using the given values of VR1, VR2 and the capacitor C1. Take care to use a new IC for this circuit because a used IC may not perfom perfectly. Similarly, the Capacitor C1 should also be from a good and reputed manufacturer such as Keltron, Uptron or Phillips.

Simple Siren
There can be many siren circuits based on the IC 555. These circuits can be operated from 5V to 17V supply.

The circuit given here gives out the tone of a common siren. IC 555 is used in the circuit as an astable mutivibrator. The siren tone can be adjusted by preset VR1(10K). The capacitor used at pin no.3 of the IC, determines the shape of the outform waveform. Sound is received by giving the output to the speaker. If this output signal is amplified by a high power amplifier then a very loud sound can be received from this circuit.

Parts list::::::

Resistance :1K, PRESET 10KCapacitor : 10KPfx2, 10MF, 10V, 100MF, 10V, Loue speaker 8E.